Friday, February 13, 2009

Lesson 19 : Solo Complete

Friday Feb 13, 2009 (Friday the 13th)

Chris said that everbody always has a really terrible lesson right before they are ready to solo. My last lesson, Tuesday, was mixed. It was more of a learning experience than "terrible". Nevertheless, Chris and I were thinking that was my terrible lesson.

We were wrong. This morning was clearly my "terrible" flight. I was totally off on the first 2 TAGs. Too fast, too slow, too high, off course, flares were off, .. it was a study in how not to fly TAGs. Then on the 3rd TAG, I started to get it right. Chris laid off the radios and inputs completely. Something clicked and I landed about 4 very decent TAGs without his assitance.

On the 4th, Chris got on the radio and requested a full stop. I landed, we turned off into a ramp, and shutdown.

"I'm going to solo you now." This was it. We went over a few procedures. He endorsed my logbook for limited solo flight.  Curtains up.

"Oh and by the way, it's Friday the 13th," he reminded me just before I closed the hatch. I was ready. I closed the hatch, and started the pre-ignition sequence. The cockpit was much roomier with one person. I called ground and got clearance to taxi to 25. I taxied, did the runup, and pulled up to the line. There was a twin taking off ahead of me.

I squeezed the transmit button.

"Gwinnett tower Diamond three nine three Juliet Alpha at Whiskey ready for takeoff two five remaining in pattern."

Tower responded, "three nine three Juliet Alpha you are clear for takeoff two five, right turn crosswind report mid-field."

I responded, "clear for takeoff two five, right turn crosswind report mid-field."

I lined the bird up center line and pushed the throttle forward, anticipating right rudder. It was all automatic at this point.

55 knots, rotate. Airborn. Hold two five on the climb out, pitch for 70. 1500 feet, flaps to cruise. 1700 feet, right turn crosswind 2o degrees, power down to 2,300 RPMs. Reference the runway. 2,000 ft pattern altitude reached. Right turn downwind, power down to 2,000 RPMs. Hold 2,000 feet. Reference runway, stay parallel. Don't crab. Report midfield. Squeeze the transmitter.

"Gwinnett tower, three nine one Juliet Alpha is mid-field right downwind for two five."

"Roger, three nine one Juliet Alpha you're clear for touch and go two five."

At the numbers, first notch of flaps. Pitch for 90. Over the warehouse, turn right base. Power down to 1700. Pitch for 80. Reference the runway. Right turn final, pitch for 70. Track centerline. Adjust power to keep 1700. Runway is made, pull power. Track centerline. Look down the runway. Start the flare. Ground effect. Keep the flare in, keep centerline, about to touch down. Pull back. Wheels on the ground.

I was down: first solo circuit complete. Two more and I'm officially soloed. Stay on the right rudder. Set flaps for takeoff, full power, 55 knots rotate. Airborn ...

The next TAG was right on like the first. The final landing was a little sketchy. I flared too early and hard, resulting in a brief wheely ride down two five. Still, I had finished my solo. Chris congratulated me. I was psychologically spent and happy it was done.

Next flight is Saturday.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lesson 18 : TAG at LZU and The Flying Machine

February 10th, 2009

2 hours of TAG at LZU. Only this time, Chris was completely hands off. Basically I flew exactly as I would solo : radios, maneuvering, making little corrections, everything. I did have to go around a couple of times, but they were valuable learning experiences. Overall it was a good day because it is a tremendous confidence booster to see that I really can do this alone, even (especially) when I get off course and have to circle around for another pass.

After the lesson I had lunch with Chris at The Flying Machine, LZU's airport. Delicious philly cheesesteak sandwiches. Next lessons are Friday and Saturday.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lesson 17 : TAG With Crosswind

Sunday February 8, 2009

Flying circuits in 18 mph crosswinds is nothing short of a rodeo.  Even still, I was able to turn in decent landings, albeit with much correction and adjustment along the way.  After Winder and Jackson County, we went to Athens, GA airport for 1 circuit.  Athens is about on par with LZU.  

I need to be flying consistently good circuits.  Right now, about 75% of my circuits are good. This week I'm aiming for 1 or 2 days of flawless circuits.

Lesson 16 : LSAT and The Cure

Saturday February 7, 2009

law school admission
test pain is best managed by
spinning a diamond

Lesson 15 : TAG with Chris

Friday, February 6th 2009

Same thing - more circuits. Practicing for solo. TAG at Winder. TAG at Jackson County.
I talked on the radio most of the time. I'm getting more in tune with controlling the energy of the plane. Working on maintaining coordinated flight via rudder pedals.

LSAT tommorow followed by a 1:00 flight.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Lesson 14 : TAG with Darick

Saturday Jan. 31. 2009
Chris is out of town until Wednesday, so I flew with Darick Saturday afternoon at 4:00. It was mostly more of the same : practicing the touch and go circuit at Winder.

I did learn 3 new things:
(1) A new trick : short field takeoffs. On a short runway, or any take-off situation where you need to climb out as quickly as possible, a short field takeoff is an option. As opposed to a regular takeoff where you build speed on the runway and gradually climb out at an angle, in a short field take off you pull up early and then level off just above the ground. "Ground effect", as it is termed, is the layer of air just above the ground that acts as a cushion. You build speed in ground effect (as opposed to on the runway) and then climb out.

(2) A different circuit. Chris has me fly a faster circuit, that resulting in a higher altitude final. Darick has his students fly a slower circuit, lower altitude final. Neither is right or wrong. They are simply different styles. Flying both circuits helped with my comfort level in estimating distances.

(3) I used the ALS for the first time. Granted I am training for VFR - ie no reliance on instruments. But it was neat to watch the runway ALS lights telling me "too high, too low, just right".

Visibility deteriorated from the time we left LZU to the time we returned. So it was hard to see the airport. I got to watch Darick use the ILS to assist our approach to the LZU field. That was neat too and I'm looking forward to learning the instruments. Still, that's a ways off.

Next flight is Sunday (Wedesday was not possible) with Chris.