Saturday, I completed my first solo cross country from LZU to CEU (Clemson, SC). In the movie "Lord Of War," freelance arms dealer, Uri Orlov, describes his first sale.
"Selling a gun for the first time is a lot like having sex for the first time. You're excited but you don't really know what the hell you're doing. And some way, one way or another, it's over too fast."
My first cross country flight fit this description precisely, as does any high-stakes virgin experience.
The Script
In preparation for my solo cross country, I wrote down everything I could think of. I scripted out the entire scenario. Everything I thought Atlanta Control would say, everything I would say to them. When I should change frequencies on the radio. A 2 page of storyboard of the who, what, when, where, why, and hows that could arise. Ultimately this would serve as little more than a confidence builder, although it was probably helpful as a distraction from worrying.
Saturday afternoon was hot and hazy: 94 degrees with a heat index of over 100. I got everything set and rolled up to the line, where I had to wait for 4 inbounds to land. By the time I got cleared for takeoff, I had transitioned from anxious to just plain hot as hell. I was eager to get some altitude to cool off. After I got airborne, I started the climb to my heading.
Per my script, I switched over to Atlanta to get my flight following. They sounded fairly busy. I keyed the transmitter.
"Atlanta, Diamond 393 Juliet Alpha." Script line 1 of 325 complete.
"Diamond 393 Juliet Alpha go ahead," they responded, just as I had planned. I continued the script.
"Atlanta, Diamond 393 Juliet Alpha is a DA-20 approximately 2 miles northeast of Lima Zulu Uniform climbing to three thousand five hundred VFR to Charlie Echo Uniform request flight following."
"Diamond 393 Juliet Alpha squak zero two niner one and ident," they said.
"Zero two niner one ident," I repeated, punched in 0291 in the transponder, and pressed the Ident key.
Five minutes or so passed. Atlanta had their hands full with other traffic. They finally got back around to me.
"Diamond 393 Juliet Alpha I still don't have you on screen." We were off the script now. So much for the best laid plans of mice and men.
"Atlanta, Diamond 393 Juliet Alpha is currently at 0291," I said immediately wishing I had spoken what I meant, which was that my transponder was set at 0291.
"93 Juliet Alpha I have no idea what that means - you're at 0291." Atlanta responded. I deserved that light chide.
"Atlanta, 393 Juliet Alpha, sorry about that. I am currently squaking 0291." Hopefully that was clearer.
"Roger 93 Juliet Alpha. We have you now," they replied.
CEU Big Fish
I made my way to my first 2 landmarks until finally I had Lake Hartwell in sight. Clemson airport would be on the west side of the lake. I got the airport in sight and called in my approach.
"Clemson traffic Diamond 393 Juliet Alpha is 4 miles southwest inbound for left 45 degree downwind entry for 25, Clemson."
CEU is an un-towered airfield. That means pilots flying around there just talk on a common frequency and announce their activities to each other. I didn't see anybody and nobody responded on the common frequency, so I was likely the only one around.
It had been a while since I'd flown touch and goes. As I made my left turn for final, I immediately realized I was hopelessly too high, too fast, too short, too far off centerline, and too-whatever else one can be too much of. So I called in a go around.
"Clemson traffic Diamond 393 Juliet Alpha is sidestepping to the right and going around for another pass, Clemson."
So I went around and this time flew the pattern right. I landed smoothly and felt relieved to be 1/2 way done. The guy at the FBO called me on the common frequency and invited me to pull up beside the Cessna outside. I pulled up, shut down, and opened the canopy.
The guy at Clemson FBO was really nice. He chocked my front wheel, we chatted for a moment, and I followed him back into the FBO. Glorious AC. Inside were 2 commercial jet pilots - white shirts, hats, wing pins, the works. They were waiting around for their passengers and had certainly heard my less than flattering go-around and just as certainly shared a little snickering over it. That's alright, though. I respect the bigger fish in the aviation pond and I know where I stand in the food chain.
I called my wife, called Chris, got some water, and hit the restroom. After I had cooled off for 15 minutes, I headed back out. The trip back was uneventful and a lot less stress. Atlanta was less busy this time. I landed at LZU on the first attempt and pulled up to The Flying Machine, where my wife and her son Matthew were watching for me. Matthew was excited to see the plane. I let him sit in the cockpit and play with the controls.
The final remaining requirements for me to take the FAA exam are:
- A 3 leg cross country solo (which I'm thinking might be LZU to Winder, Winder to CEU, CEU to LZU)
- A few solo flights around LZU to finish off my 10 hours solo flight requirement.
After that, FAA exam prep. I'm anticipating getting the Private Pilot License by August.